Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Hye everyone~!!
Well.. it seems that everyone is in the holiday mode.. (so do I)
there's nothing much for the time being,
I'm busy making some publicity job for this site..
and I'm gathering some good worthy educational sites for our references too..
guess I just posted up the news that I got from Mienor's bulletin board..
it's about our seniors..! hehehhe..

Info IPG: 123 pelajar TESL mahu jadi pendidik bermutu, kreatif

SERAMAI 123 pelajar sulung program berkembar praperkhidmatan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Kedua/TESL), berazam memanfaatkan pendedahan dan pengalaman melalui pengajian selama dua tahun di luar negara sebagai bekalan menjadi guru berkualiti, kreatif serta dinamik kelak.

Mereka kembali ke Institut Perguruan Bahasa-bahasa Antarabangsa (IPBA), baru-baru ini, untuk mengikuti pengajian tahun akhir selepas melanjutkan pembelajaran tahun kedua dan ketiga di universiti Australia, United Kingdom serta New Zealand. Terdahulu, pelajar berkenaan adalah calon terpilih di kalangan lulusan cemerlang Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) mengikuti program persediaan selama dua tahun dan pengajian tahun pertama peringkat ijazah di IPBA.

Seorang pelajar, Intan Azreen Basiron, 23, berkata peluang menimba ilmu di Victoria University of Wellington memantapkan lagi persediaan untuk berbakti kepada negara, tidak lama lagi. Sepanjang tempoh di sana, katanya, beliau didedahkan sistem persekolahan negara berkenaan, termasuk pendekatan mereka menangani masalah disiplin pelajar.

Bagi Rosalynn Wong, 25, antara pengalaman tidak dilupakannya ialah kesempatan melihat proses pengajaran di salah sebuah sekolah cemerlang di New South Wales ketika mengikuti pengajian di Macquarie University, Sydney. “Walaupun sekolah itu dilengkapi kemudahan teknologi untuk membantu pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P),guru di sana tetap mempelbagaikan kaedah pedagogi, termasuk menggunakan pendekatan tradisional.

Seorang lagi pelajar, Mah Zhi Jian,23, juga gembira memperoleh pendedahan membantu pengajaran selama 20 hari di sekolah rendah ketika mengikuti pengajian di College of St Mark & StJohn, England. “Berdasarkan pengalaman itu, saya mendapati guru di sana menggalakkan dan menghargai idea setiap pelajar serta menghormati mereka seperti orang dewasa. “Selain itu, pendekatan pembelajaran mereka juga banyak tertumpu kepada kegiatan dan kerja berkumpulan. Melalui pengalaman ini, saya akan berusaha memanfaatkan nilai positif dan bersesuaian dengan sistem pendidikan negara apabila mula bertugas di sekolah nanti,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Sawittri ShotiwuthCharun, 23, pula teruja dengan pengalaman menyaksikan pendekatan mengajar secara story telling yang terbukti dapat menarik minat dan meningkatkan pemahaman pelajar di sekolah rendah, ketika mengikuti pengajian di Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane.

So.. what do you guys say..?
I hope we, too, will gain as much knowledge and experience while we are here..
Not just getting good results, but be able to apply what we have learnt, observed, into our teaching later... yosshhhh!!!
(aissshh, have a sudden thought on Judy Goyen~)

-fATin Ali.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The choice is ours

I really like this post. And I believe that I (and we) have made the right decision to become a teacher. Not an ordinary teacher, but a teacher whom will improve the education system.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

good afternoon teacher alin!!

this is a great idea..
teacher trainees all over the world can now discuss issues regarding the world of teaching..
thanks fatin!!

let's contribute as much as possible into this bilik guru..

oh ye..
just the other day,
i was wondering whenever we filled in some forms..
why do we put our occupation as student?
why did we never put teacher trainee?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Selamat datang~

Thanks Fatin for coming up with this idea.
Good thing about this blog is it allows us, the future teachers of the future generations share our ideas and thoughts about how to improve this one of the noblest professions ever provided that we are the young and fresh educators-to-be of the nations who have these ideas of how the education system in Malaysia should look like. I really think that the existence of this blog is not meant to criticise, but it is more towards giving our own opinions of what we can do towards the betterment of our system of education.
Maybe at the moment our voices won't reach out to the ministry, but who knows one day Nisa, Fatin or you will become the next Minister of Education? Then, this blog would be useful for you guys. ehem.
May Allah bless us.
"Certainly, your efforts and deeds are diverse (different in aims and purposes) [92:4]."

1st posting from Cikgu Nisa~

assalamualaikum and hye!!!~~ *waves enthusiastically*

thanks to fatin who came up with this amazing idea and for setting up this blog~!!
jazakillah fatin~~

i hope this "bilik guru" would benefit to many of us teachers to be.

jgn jadikan "bilik guru" ni pusat jualan langsung sudah yer~

i'll be posting something soon~

till then, toodless~~!!



Salam and Hye everyoneeeee!!

Well I guess.. here I am, after much thought...
Herein, I invite all my friends, my future-teacher friends especially (*clap clap),
those who know us, or just came to read the blog,
green, black, pink, tall, plump, stripes, dots... fish, frog..? elephant..?
or whoever you are...

this is not an ethnocentric region,
a free world where I invite everyone to talk, to open up, to share, to give opinions, supportive criticms or whats not,
share the wisdom,
the experiences,

may this would be a stepping stone for the betterment of our generations,
a thought provoking medium for the betterment of our educational system,
not just much a do about nothing..
an inspirational book for all of us...
who wish to inspire and motivate those who are in need,

~fATin Ali.